A tribute to Emilio Jacinto The Brains of the Katipunan The Brains of the Philippine Revolution Philippine Revolution General "Pingkian", "Dimasilaw", "Ka Ilyong" Name: Jacinto
Strain: PJL Bittergame Color: Light Red, Ginger Breasted Shank: White Comb: Heterogenous Pea Hatched: 2003 Brood Cock Since: 2006 Fight Record: Cock Hackfight Win At 2-Cock Ulutan Name: Strain: PJL Bittergame Color: Speckled White Shank: White Comb: Pea Hatched: 20 January 2012 Brood Cock Since: Fight Record: Our team manager need to cull us early as possible. Our sports team's resources are very limited.
Silent financial capital is always welcome. A tribute to Andres Bonifacio The Founder of the Katipunan The Supreme Leader of the Katipunan The Father of the Philippine Revolution and Filipino Nation The First President of the Philippines "Sinukuan", "May Pag-asa", "Agapito Bagumbayan" Name: Bonifacio
Strain: PJL Bittergame Color: Ginger Shank: Yellow Comb: Heterogenous Pea Hatched: December 2008 Brood Cock Since: January 2010 Fight Record: Stag Hackfight Win Against A Sweater Looking 3-Year Old Cock with Wing Band Sports Team History
Our team franchise players can be traced back to 20 cocks and 6 hens that were used in the brood pens. The first one is in 1984 and the last one is in 2004. PJL Decoded PJL means two things really. PJL = Pojol Junior Leopoldo = Leopoldo Pojol Junior PJL = P.J.L. = P o J o L = Pojol PJL Bittergame Our sports team was founded by Leopoldo F. Pojol, Jr., who used PJL initials to mark everything he owned. PJL was at least third generation cockfighter and a first generation breeder. PJL used Philippine Game strain most often against American Game strain in our local and nearby cockpits. PJL also used Mixed Game strain between Philippine Game strain and American Game strain. PJL’s father used American Game strain and Mixed Game strain between Philippine Game strain and American Game strain. PJL Bittergame Gamecock We still do not look alike in feather color, shank color, comb type, even conformation and station. But we have the same athletic style, that is, we fight alike. We do not rush in and shuffle our foes. We do not like to be hit. We like to hit our foes from afar when it is unlikely our foes can hit back. We are flexible and intelligent to adjust our fighting style to our foes. Especially if our foes are really great fighter too. Did you miss the fact that we are a 26-way cross strain? PJL Bittergame Tag Lines
Revenue is income received by an organization in the form of cash or cash equivalents.
Some of us were sold today. Sixty six of us. PJL Bittergame unfertilized eggs. Table eggs that is. Six eggs were laid today. Sixty eggs were a week old at most. This new revenue will help our team manager to keep most of our female team members hatched this year. An egg a day means free feed expense for two days. Having more females in our population will mean our team will be ready to grow quickly when a cash infusion become available to our team. Silent financial capital is always welcome. We should be able to compete in World Slasher Cup in less than two years from time of cash infusion. Maybe less than three years if our male team members not yet ready as bullstags. |
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April 2014